Keep Montana Healthy
Protect the health care of over 80,000 Montanans.
Protect Montana's Medicaid
Montanans overwhelmingly support Medicaid, and they support continuing Montana’s current Medicaid program. When we talk about Montana’s Medicaid program, that includes Medicaid expansion, which provides health care coverage for over 80,000 adults.
Montana expanded Medicaid in 2015 through the Health and Economic Livelihood Partnership (HELP) Act, providing healthcare coverage for over 80,000 Montanans. The Montana Legislature reauthorized the HELP Act in 2019, maintaining critical healthcare coverage.
Since passage, Montana has seen significant economic benefits from the program. The HELP Act has created and sustained over 7,500 new jobs, generated an estimated $475 million in new personal income annually, and fueled $775 million in economic activity in 2022.
In 2021 alone, more than 61,000 enrollees accessed preventative care services, and 34,000 received mental health services. By expanding Medicaid, the state has saved an estimated $27 million in FY 2022 alone, including savings from a higher federal match rate for some existing Medicaid populations and savings in other areas.
But the 2025 Legislature must ACT to protect and continue critical healthcare coverage for Montana families. Montana's current Medicaid program is at risk. If the Legislature doesn't take action before June 30, 2025, over 80,000 Montanans stand to lose their coverage.

What is the Healthy Montana Coalition?
The Healthy Montana Campaign is a coalition of organizations dedicated to protecting the healthcare coverage for Montanans on Medicaid, including the over 80,000 at risk of losing coverage if Montana doesn't maintain its current program. We believe in supporting Montana families, workers, businesses, health care system, and the state economy.